Final CPN List / Interview Schedule Admission 2023-24

Final List Must Read Instructions

For interview schedule, check below table, candidates coming for interview are required to bring the following:

  1. Bring printout of online admission form submitted in your account while applying for entry test, please note if you need any kind of correction in data and choice, do it manually on the form by writing on it and sign all the corrections wherever data is overwritten or corrected. Choice of technology numbers if want to change shall be re-numbered and signed
  2. Original matric marksheet or certificate
  3. Original intermediate marksheet (if available)
  4. Original intermediate 1st year marksheet
  5. Undertaking on Rs.100 Judicial Stamp Paper (specimen attached)
  6. Original admit card of intermediate 2nd Year, in case of freshly appeared for exams
  7. Original CNIC / B.Form
  8. Original Domicile and PRC, incase of non availability bring original CNIC of father and mother
  9. 1 set of copies of all above documents
  10. 4 passport size photographs with blue background


2.  Sr. No. given in this merit list or any other meritlist shall be provisional and correctable if any corrections is reported or until the original documents of the candidates are verified at the time of interview and subsequently verified from the respective educational boards.

3.  The names of those candidates who fail to present themselves before the admission committee on the scheduled date and time, without any intimation, shall be deleted from the merit list of the concerned category.  They shall not be considered for admission. Their absence shall amount to forfeit of their right of admission. Any claim in this regard shall not be entertained.

4. For the purpose of reference the printed documents related to admission (e.g. Prospectus, Meritlist and Admission schedule) shall be quoted in case of any objections / claims. No telephonic or personal statements shall be considered relevant in case of any such claim.

5. Candidate must bring filled Undertaking attached here with the merit list on 100/- RS. Stamp paper.

6.Candidates who have applied for scholarships are required to bring all those documents which are mentioned in the policy and data correction list posted earlier.

7. Candidates whose data is incorrect should calculate their CPN as per formula and policy and visit for interview on the date and time where their CPN falls


Interview Schedule (1 to 900)

Venue: Dawood University of Engineering & Technology Karachi Main Campus

Merit No.

Reporting Time






10:00 AM




10:00 AM




10:00 AM




Remaining seat details after allotment shall be intimated daily in the evening via website at to avoid inconvenience at the time of interview.

All other category lists including self finance process shall be announced on 13-09-2023 in the evening.

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