ADMISSION POLICY (Undergraduate Programs)

  • All undergraduate degree programs are full time programs.
  • Admission in each category/scheme shall be granted purely on merit basis as prescribed in admission notice and admission policy.
  • To appear in the entry test, application processing fee of Rs.3000/- (Non-refundable) is required to be paid at any branch of prescribed bank. The challan shall be available online after the submission of the form.
  • The candidates who are interested to apply under more than one category including self-finance can select multiple categories in the online application form. In case an applicant qualifies under more than one category he/she shall have to select his/her category at the time of the interview before the admission committee/interview panel.
  • Admission in each discipline will be offered to candidates in the order of merit.
  • The overall merit in respect of candidate for each category for provisional admission shall be determined based on S.S.C (or equivalent certificate), H.S.C/ A-Level/DAE (or equivalent certificate) and entry test.
  • Original documents shall have to be produced at the time of scrutiny/interview.
  • The candidates who apply for admission based on fake/tempered documents (detected before or after their admission) their admission shall be canceled. Additionally, they may also be debarred for a period of three years for future admissions and all payments made to the University shall be forfeited in favor of the University.
  • HS.C original mark sheet will not be returned under any circumstances before the completion of degree.


  • All candidates seeking admission under different schemes/ categories/programs are required to appear in entry test. However, applicant seeking admission on seats for nominations seats are exempted from entry test.
  • In the entry test, for each correct answer one mark will be awarded.
    1. The merit list of the candidates in each category/scheme will be prepared according to following weightage presented in table



    Percentage of marks in

    multiplying weightage

    Entry test 


    1. HSC/A-level (waiting for 2nd year result )(1st year/O-level)
    2. DAE (waiting for 3rd year result)(1st and 2nd year combined)
    3. HSC/A-Level/DAE Combined result available passed in previous years




    SSC or equivalent Certificate



    Based upon the above weightage the Composite Percentage Number (CPN) will be calculated as under

    CPN=   0.6 [(percentage obtained in entry test) + 0.3 (Percentage Marks in Intermediate (or equivalent certificate) + 0.1(SSC or equivalent)]

  • The merit shall be observed in each category as per availability of seats. The admission in each category shall be made in order of choice of technology given by the candidates in online application form.
  • If the HSC/DAE/A-Level (combined) passing year is 1 year before the current year 10% shall be deducted from the HSC-obtained marks and If the HSC/DAE/A-Level (combined) passing year is more than 1 year before the current year 20% shall be deducted from the HSC obtained marks.
  • In case of tie for merit position in the selection for admission, the tie will be resolved based on marks obtained in entry test. In case of further tie, it will be resolved based on marks in HSC.
  • Applicants securing CPN less than 50, shall not be eligible for the admission.

 Display of merit list of eligible candidates

  • The Merit list for each category/scheme shall be notified and displayed on the University Notice Boards and will also be made available on the University Website.
  • University reserves the right to withhold/cancel the result of the entry Test of any candidate if he/she was found using any unfair means in the test or candidate has carried out impersonation in the test.

 Scrutiny of the application and interview

  • After basic scrutiny of the application forms and announcement of the result of the entry test, the merit list will be prepared in each category and an appropriate number of students will be called to present themselves before the admission committee/interview panel of the University for interview and verification of original academic documents on the notified dates.
  • The names of those candidates who fail to present themselves before the admission committee/interview panel on the scheduled date and time, without any intimation, shall be deleted from the merit list of the concerned category. They shall not be considered for admission. Their absence shall amount to forfeit of their right of admission.
  • Only original documents shall be accepted by the admission committee/interview panel. No exception shall be allowed.
  • The candidate must produce original first mark sheet of HSC issued by the concerned board at the time of enrollment failing which his/her name will be deleted from the merit list.
  • The decision of the admission committee shall be final.
  • The selected candidates shall submit the following forms (Available on University website) at the time of reporting to concerned Chairperson of Department.
  • Declaration of non-participation in political activities and non-indulgence in unwanted activities on judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100.
  • Medical fitness certificate
  • Performa for University Identity Card.
  • Enrolment form of university

 Award of discipline/technology

  • The candidates are required to fill up Order of Choices in the online application form to select their priority of discipline/technology very carefully. The choices mentioned in the option form can only be changed at the time of interview.
  • If any student after seeking admission in technology other than first choice of discipline is satisfied with the same, must apply within three days from the date of display of such list. In the application it must be clearly mentioned that the applicant is satisfied with the awarded discipline and the discipline/technology shall not be changed further.
  • If such application is not received, the admission committee may change the technology/discipline as per the original choice to fill the vacant seats and such change will be binding on the students.

 Admission of candidates who fail to deposit the admission fee within the due date.

  • If any candidate fails to deposit the admission fee within the due date, the seat shall be allotted to another candidate on merit. At the later stage, if the candidate reports for admission that may be considered for admission against the left-over seats of the respective category as per the “Choice of Technology” before the closing date of admission.

Display of list of selected candidates and correction in merit list

  • The list of all selected candidates under all categories shall be displayed on the University website and main notice boards.
  • The admission list in each category announced by the University is provisional; in case of identification of any mistake it shall be rectified.

Closing of admission 

  • The admissions on Merit / Self Finance Seats will be closed at the end of 4th week from the date of start of the classes. After the closing date of admission, no new admission will be made, and the seats fallen vacant (for any reason) will not be filled.

 Change of discipline / Technology

  • No request to change of technology is entertained at any stage of admission process.

 Enrolment with DUET 

  • The selected candidates will have to fill up enrolment form of the University and complete all the relevant formalities for enrolment. Without having Enrolment Card, they will not be allowed to appear in the semester examination.
  • In case any mistake in the enrollment card, student must inform the Registrar office within 15 days of issuance. After the closing date, applicant shall bear the cost for correction of record.

Cancellation/ withdrawal of admission 

  • Concealment of facts at the time of seeking admission or non-submission of complete and genuine documents or tempering with them or falsifying would mean that the student has been admitted illegally. In such case the admission of the student shall be cancelled. University also reserves the right to initiate legal action against such student.
  • The Competent Authority may cancel the admission of any student at any stage after giving an opportunity of hearing at the appropriate forum.
  • In case of any discrepancy or misinterpretation, the decision of the competent authority shall be final and binding on the applicant and shall not be challengeable in any court of Law.



Rules for Admission

  1. Guidelines for applicants for admission 
    • Candidates applying under regular scheme from the Province of Sindh, Azad Jummu & Kashmir, Self-Finance Scheme, and those applying on reserved seats for categories of Dawood University Teaching and Non- teaching staff, sons and daughters of professional Architect / Engineers, Dawood Foundation and Federal Capital Area are required to apply through online application system for entry test.
    • Following is the procedure of online admission application system.
    • Register online with CNIC/email number at university admission portal and follow the guidelines given.
  • After successful registration, login the account and submit the form.
  • Provide complete and true, personal / educational information in online admission form.
  • Provide complete postal and permanent address for smooth communication of admit cards / interview letters later.
  • Upload recent passport size photograph in online admission application form. Admit card will not be issued to candidates who uploaded casual pictures.
    • In the application form it is mandatory for candidates to provide their active mobile number (Non converted) for quick alternative communication.
    • After successful submission, the submitted form shall appear and print challan option shall be visible to candidates, please print the challan, and pay the required fee at designated Bank.
    • Once the deadline for submitting the online admission form has passed, students will be able to access their admit cards online via their account on the admission portal.
    • Admit card shall only be issued to those candidates who pictures are as per given criteria.
    • Important instructions about test will be present on Admit Card
    • After test the result of test shall be announced via admission portal
    • All information regarding admissions will be communicated via Student Admission Portal.

 Application Process for Nomination Categories

All the nominating agencies / department candidate shall process their admission as per following Standard Operating Procedure:

  • After being nominated letter from their respective agency, the candidate is required to report within 7 days or on the date as informed by the DUET Admission office via phone / sms.
  • The student shall report to Admission Office with original documents and copies with 4 passport size photographs and fee for 1st semester.
  • Student shall pay the fee in designated Branches on the given fee challan issued by the Admission Office.
  • After submission of fee student shall report to concerned department and get his roll number slip signed and stamped by the Chairperson.
  1. Admission Confirmation

Initially students are provisionally admitted at university, and their admission confirmation is subject to the fulfillment of the following:

  • Submission of all mandatory documents required for confirmation of admission including Intermediate/A level result certificate.
  • Verification of original educational documents.
  • Payment of full applicable fee of the semester.
  • Submission of equivalency certificate (if applicable) from IBCC/HEC etc.
  • Statement of Entrance for O-Level / A-Level candidates along with other documents
  • Fulfillment of all other mandatory requirements for the confirmation of admission


  1. Submission of document to admission office
    • Students admitted on result waiting will submit their last attended degree result card positively within 3 weeks of announcement of result; failure to which student will not be allowed to sit in Mid semester / semester exams and may also leads to the cancellation of provisional admission in university.
    • If the student fails to fulfill the required eligibility criteria for admission, the Provisional Admission offer will stand cancelled; application can apply for the free refund as per university policy.
    • Application for "Fee Refund" will NOT be entertained after 3 weeks of announcement of result.
  2. Cancellation of provisional Admission 

The provisional admission of the student shall be cancelled automatically due to the following:

  • Applicant, who fails to submit pending mandatory documents within a stipulated time, their admission shall be cancelled, and they shall be disqualified from the rolls of university.
  • Any candidate providing false information, their admission shall be cancelled and shall be placed in blacklisted candidate.
  • The admission of any student, violating Code of Conduct for Students, shall stand cancelled.
  1. Procedure for correction in student’s personal data
    • Applicant’s personal data (name, father name, Date of Birth (DOB)) on S.S.C certificate/ O-Levels certificate shall be registered and appeared on Transcript / Degree issued by the University.
    • At the time of admission, the applicant is required to enter his/her personal data in accordance with his/her S.S.C / O-Levels certificate.
    • In case of correction in student’s personal data, he/she shall be first required to get the S.S.C/O-Level DMC/ Certificate revised and submit the revised S.S.C/O-Level certificate to university for change in personal data.
    • Please note that, you need to apply for the change in personal data well before the printing of final transcript/Degree. In case of applying after printing of transcript / Degree, you will be required to pay the prescribed fee.
    • Please note that, you need to apply for the change in name or father name or DOB well before the printing of final transcript/Degree. In case of applying after printing of transcript / Degree, you will be required to pay the prescribed fee.


  1. Verification of documents
    • University can send student's documents for verification at any stage.
    • In case of fake documents, the student admission will be cancelled immediately.


  1. General Instructions for new students 
  • Make sure your attendance on the Orientation Session.
  • After submission of all required documents, the Registrar Office shall issue student ID card to the department concerned, a student can get it from your academic department.
  • Get your University ID card and display it all the time when on campus.
  • The security guards have instructions to ask to show your ID card; and if not produced, have the authority to restrict entry or movement on Campus.
  • Get your library card.
  • Get your Batch Advisor name and location.
  • Make sure all your courses are registered.
  • Make sure your name is present in the attendance sheet.
  • Get the course outlines from the concerned course teachers.
  • Check for the deadline of Drop / Withdrawal courses in case required.
  • Meet deadlines when submitting your application for the scholarships.
  • Abide by University rules.
  • In case of any ambiguity consult your Batch Advisor or Academic department Head.


Admission test Paper Pattern for the intake of Batch 2023/F & onwards.
















Analytical Reasoning




General Knowledge






Pre-Engineering / Pre Medical with Addl maths













Computer Science / General Science








