Entry Test session 2023-24 Important Updates

All aspirants appearing in the upcoming entry test session 2023-24 to be held at IBA Main and City campus on 27th Aug 2023 in two sessions are informed to follow below instructions carefully to avoid any inconvenience at the time of test:

  1. There is no test center/time change allowed in any case whatsoever
  2. If the student arrives late at the test center, he/she shall not have any chance to attempt the test
  3. All gates shall be closed 15 minutes before the attendance time, no student shall be allowed to enter any case.
  4. The final admit card with the QR code is uploaded to the student portal, Students are required to bring their final admit card, no other admit card shall be acceptable.
  5. Please check your admit card for QR code availability and also verify the test center allocated to you for the test and reach the test center 15 minutes before reporting time. The test is on two centers i.e IBA Main Campus in Karachi University and IBA City Campus in Sadar. Verify your center carefully from the admit card having QR code. Click undergraduate admit card button and use shortcut key ctrl p for print
  6. If you do not have CNIC and domicile bring B form and any photo identity document e.g. Intermediate admit card for photo verification.
  7. For any confusion/query contact 021-99230706 9 to 5 except Saturday / Sunday

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