2nd Technology List 2024

Please read all instructions carefully


 1. This is a provisional merit list, subject to change if any error is observed / reported. To report any issue contact 021-99230706 in office hours or email at admissions@duet.edu.pk on or before 19 Sep 2024
2. Offer letter / Admission Fee Challan is available in account, kinldy follow the given instructions in offer letter. Admission Fee can be paid in any branch of Sindh bank. Last Date for Admission Fee Submission and challan upload in portal is : 19 Sept 2024, fee payment is mandatory to secure your seat. Candidates who have remarks in documents required, are advised to produce the mentioned document before 19 Sep 2024, or submit a written request in case of delay with given time frame. Fee payment is mandatory to secure your admission, there is no change of program policy, however, after fee payment, students are moved upward in their choice order if vacant seats becomes available, there is no need to submit any request for this. The choice cannot be changed after interview. 

3. Candidates who have paid the admission fee earlier, need to check their offer letter only. No futher thing is required to be done by them.

4. All those candidates who didn't pay the admission fee of first technology list are removed from current list, now they only can apply for vacant seats as per policy. If they dont want to proceed with admission, they can get their documents from Main Campus DUET after submission of form, which shall be provided at Admission Office.

5. If the current choice awarded is not your 1st choice and you are satisfy to retain it, you must submit an application for retention of current choice by sending email to admissions@duet.edu.pk, please include copy of cnic in the email and picture of paid fee challan of admission fee, alongwith application number and merit number. Last date to send this email is 19 Sept 2024. Retention of choice application shall delete your all choices, and you will be admitted in current choice only, no further upward movement will be done in next lists

6. Rollover Admission Policy (Incase student dont get the desired field and dont want to continue in current session)
 Applicants wishing to apply for rollover admission can indicate the preference on the application form available at downloads at admissions.duet.edu.pk. The university's admission office will extend offers of admission to eligible rollover applicants in the subsequent academic year, based on academic merit and seat availability. 
 To secure admission, applicants must accept the offer using the prescribed form, follow the guidelines outlined in the admission offer letter, and adhere to deadlines for fee payment and other university charges. 

7. Candidates who paid the admission fee must register for orientation ceremony by submitting the form on the following link: https://forms.gle/ayr7rocfiJCidohh6

8. If you couldn't secure admission on merit basis, our self finance process is available at https://admissions.duet.edu.pk/self-finance-process-2024-25/. Last date is extended till 17-Sep-2024. 
 The self Amount can be paid in TWO Installments.
9. For starting a program minimum 15 candidates are required. 
10. Note: Incase the candidate's documents are found incorrect / not as per criteria defined or ambiguous during scrutiny afterwards, the admission shall be liable to be cancelled, therefore, candidates are advised to follow the eligibility criteria informed via admission policies and procedures.

11. Classes are starting from 23rd Sept 2024 tentatively, Orientation date shall be announced later on via emails and website:, Please keep ready your enrollment form available at downloads at admissions.duet.edu.pk and medical certificate (Can be examined from any reputed hospital / clinic), format available at admissions.duet.edu.pk download section before orientation, which will be submitted in the Chairperson office of allotted department. The schedule shall be announced later, via emails, website.

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